Graduate writing service personnel
Empowering multilingual and international graduate and professional students to be successful

English Language Support Office

A division of the Knight Institute for Writing in the Disciplines, ELSO's mission is to offer writing and speaking support to multilingual and international graduate and professional students that meets the needs of students across programs, from different linguistic backgrounds, and at all points in their graduate careers.


More News
The 2016 Graduate School (GRAD) Writing Group Program Celebration.

ELSO Goals

Our goals are for multilingual and international graduate and professional students to: 

  • value multilingualism, seeing it as a resource and point of pride
  • be a part of and have a voice in the Cornell community and larger academic or professional community
  • create community with multilingual and international graduate and professional students across fields
  • engage in cross-cultural communication
Ho Plaza in summer

Fall 2024 ELSO Info Sessions

New to Cornell? Have questions about ELSO programs? You are invited to attend an ELSO Info Session. During these online events, ELSO faculty will provide an overview of ELSO programs and answer your questions.  Zoom links will be provided through the ELSO listserv.

ELSO Info Session Schedule: 

Friday, August 16, 4:00-5:00 pm EST

Tuesday, August 20, 9:00-10:00 am EST

Friday, August 23, 2:00-3:00 pm EST

A Video Orientation to ELSO with Director, Michelle Crow
