Michelle Crow
Senior Lecturer, Director, English Language Support Office
In collaboration with the Language Resource Center, ELSO is offering English Conversation Hours—times for you to engage in social English in a safe and comfortable setting while making friends from across Cornell.
How to join an English Conversation Hour: Just drop on by! You do not need to register for an English Conversation hour. And you don’t need to commit to coming every week. Come only to the sessions that work with your schedule.
Eligibility: This program is available to the entire Cornell community. Undergraduates, graduate students, professional students, postdocs, visiting scholars, staff, and faculty are all welcome to join!
Schedule: This semester’s schedule is available here: https://lrc.cornell.edu/conversation-hours
Do you not see an English Conversation Hour that works with your schedule? Gather a group, figure out a meeting time, and contact the Language Resource Center or ELSO and we will help you set up a new English Conversation Hour.
Volunteer to lead an English Conversation Hour: Are you interested in leading an English Conversation Hour? Complete a Volunteer Form.
English Conversation Hours are offered across the week. See the current schedule here. There will be no conversation hours during either February Break (Feb. 15-18) or Spring Break (March 29-April 6).
Paul Jensen: I’m a member of the staff at Mann Library, where I work on managing our collections of books and periodicals. I’ve been living in the Ithaca area for eight years, but I’m originally from New Jersey and have traveled across the country and overseas. In my free time, I enjoy photography and studying language. I volunteered with the English Language Support Office on campus last year, and this will be my first semester hosting a conversation hour at the LRC. Paul is leading English Conversation Hours on Thursdays, 6:00-7:00 pm in G25 Stimson Hall.
Serene Wang: Bilingual and bilingualism enthusiast. L2 chunker in Uris basement. (Translation: I love bilinguals and the phenomenon of bilingualism so much that I’m getting a PhD in psychology to study bilingualism and second language learning, chunking, and processing). Serene is leading English Conversation Hours on Fridays, 2:00-3:00 pm in G25 Stimson Hall (see schedule for meeting dates).
Questions may be directed to ELSO Director Michelle Crow by clicking here or to the Language Resource Center.