Annapaola is a PhD Candidate in Anthropology concentrating in Archaeology. She holds a BA and an MA in Archaeology from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Italy). In addition, she received training in archaeological science at the Weizmann Institute of Science (Rehovot, Israel), for which she received a 9-month fellowship sponsored by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Her field experience includes archaeological excavations in Italy, France, Bulgaria, Canada, UK, Georgia, and Armenia. She is interested in the use of scientific chronology to reconstruct socio-cultural changes and to elaborate on the understanding of time among past societies. By combining radiocarbon dating with the investigation of life rhythms and their material correlates, she aims to reconcile absolute and lived time within interpretative Bayesian chronologies. More specifically, her doctoral research explores this in the context of the Early Bronze Age “Kura-Araxes” culture (4th-3rd millennia BCE) in the South Caucasus. She is the recipient of an NSF-Arch DDRI grant. She is also a founder and current executive board member of the Archaeological Science Group at Cornell.
Academia: https://cornell.academia.edu/AnnapaolaPasserini
Passerini, A., Rova, E., Boaretto, E. 2018. Chronology (and Chronologies) of the Kura-Araxes Culture in the Southern Caucasus: An Integrative Approach through Bayesian Analysis. ORIGINI vol. XLI: 81-138.
Passerini, A., Rova, E., Boaretto, E. 2018. Revising the Absolute Chronology of the 4th and 3rd Millennia BCE in the Southern Caucasus, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Nears East (Vienna, 25–29th April 2016). Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag: 161-172.
Passerini, A., Regev, L., Rova, E., Boaretto, E. 2016 New Radiocarbon Dates for the Kura-Araxes Occupation at Aradetis Orgora, Georgia. Radiocarbon 58 (3): 649-677.